New-fashioned Meditation that Works
Change your thoughts to stop thinking and start re-wiring
Don't get caught up with the idea that meditation is just for monks. There are many ways to make your meditation work. Aim to get good at life rather than becoming an expert at meditation.
Are you looking for a fix to stop random thoughts disempowering your life? These simple but effective techniques have been proven to be positively mind altering!
Learn practical ways to use your energy for optimal health and wellbeing. Understand the benefits of grounding and what you can do to cope with stressful situations.
Cathy Rodwell
How to make Meditation work for you.
Choose Your Path 10min
Quieten Your Mind 7 min
Tips for Mind Training
Self talk matters
Practical Energy Awareness for Your Body
Practical Energy Awareness in Your Surroundings
Water Consciousness and Intent - Dr Masaru Emoto
Understand Your Aura
Mantak Chia: Techniques to Activate The Second Brain
Qi-Gong Evening Routine
Qi-Gong Morning Routine